The Scioto Valley Chorus is one of the most exciting musical organizations in the Central Ohio Arts Community. Chartered in 1988, the chorus now boasts 100+ members of all ages, interests, and occupations. The tie that binds us is a love of four-part harmony, a desire to be an entertaining and exciting chorus, and a love and support for each other as a family of singers.
Our Director
Meet our Director, Kerry Denino

Our Quartets

Our Benefactors
Support SVC and get some of our Swag!
Support Us
Be it purchasing tickets to a show or fundraiser, making a donation, or becoming a sponsor, there are many ways you can support SVC.
Upcoming Events
Sept 14, 2024: SVC Fall Show
7:00 pm. SVC Presents:
Join us at the Davidson Theatre in the Riffe Center for a wonderful evening of harmony! Featuring the award-winning Scioto Valley Chorus as well as:
- Lipstick Scoundrels: 2024 Region 4 Quartet Champions
- MixTape: 2023 JAD District Champions
- Tenacious: SAI 5th Place International Finalists
- Lady A Cappella: 2024 SAI International Champions
Stay tuned for information on how to get your tickets!
The Scioto Valley Chorus is a group of women who are dedicated to musical excellence in the rich souhd of 4-part Barbershop Harmony. Through teamwork, unity, respect, and love, we create an atmosphere for growth and personal involvement, while maintaining a positive attitude as we strive to be the most entertaining, best singing chorus in the world. We are dedicated to advancing our art form though education and performance.